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argeted Solutions
  arrow read more
Our Expertise

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Increasing Profitability
arrow Strategic Planning
arrow Optimising Cost Structures
arrow Improving Processes
arrow Feasibility Studies
arrow Due Diligence
arrow Commercial Negotiations
arrow Corporate Governance
arrow Policies and Procedures

tunisie pro

isolation tunisie

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alimentaire et pharmaceutique tunisie

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lectricit des b timents tunisie

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arrow Project Management
Welcome to 57Dots
57Dots Pty Ltd offers solutions to a range of organisational issues at a strategic, operational and process level. We work with organisations of all sizes and offer objective, unbiased solutions which will lead to profitability improvements.

Our approach

Our approach is simple. We listen, we
assess, and then if we can help, we deliver innovative solutions through our experience, creativity and integrity. We are flexible and we always strive to improve your profitability.

At 57Dots we like what we do and are proud of how we do things. We like to be involved for long enough to see good ideas become operational reality because this way we can ensure profitability is increased. No matter how long we are involved for, we always strive to impart the knowledge required to enable the improvements to continue long after we are gone.

Why 57Dots?
We are experienced business people who understand the nature of business. We have worked across a number of industries including: healthcare; information technology; professional services; finance; manufacturing; state government; and Federal government. We Deliver Original Targeted solutions in a Simple, easy to understand way.

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For an initial discussion on how we can help your organisation please contact us.
Our Services arrow read more

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Business Model Review
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Strategy Development & Implementation
bullet Change Management

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energies renouvelables et environnement tunisie

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Project & Tender Management
bullet Performance Management and Reporting
bullet Organisation Design
bullet Policies, Procedures and Risk Management
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For Assistance Call Us on
61 3 9350 3479
61 3 5988 9030

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